People we support take to the water

Home » People we support take to the water

8th June 2023

Our new Life Opportunities is making amazing things happen for the people we support.

Mal and Sue who attend our community Life Opportunities were asked what kinds of activities they wanted to do and what their aspirations were. They both said they wanted to learn to sail.

So, the team set about seeing how this could be achieved for them and others. This was a fantastic new adventure and a dream come true as neither had sailed before.

We sourced an opportunity at Bolton Sailing Club at Belmont and worked with the team there to learn more about what was involved. They visited the centre several times to build relationships with the instructors and to let them get to know the people we support.

The team were determined to make it happen for those who wanted to sail during the season which runs May to October. We are calling it Sailability.

When the day finally arrived to get on the water, they had an incredible adventure. They will be going sailing every Friday until October. Both are learning new skills and growing in confidence doing something they love. Also they are inspiring others to take to the water and we will be giving a group of people we support the opportunity to have their sailing adventure between now and the end of the season.

Sue’s Shared Lives Carer said.

“She was so happy to get the opportunity and that’s what matters. She keeps saying “I did it” and drawing pictures of the boat. It’s lovely to see.”

Mal’s parents said.

“We are so pleased he’s getting out in the community and trying new things. Every time we see him, he keeps saying sailing, sailing Friday.”

Lica Marchant Life Opportunities Lead said.

“Our Life Opportunities team have created an amazing opportunity for the people we support to fulfil their dreams and do something adventurous and different. We are extremely proud of what they have achieved over the last few weeks. Well done to everyone involved.”