Our Summer programme of activities is getting the people we support out and about.

Home » Our Summer programme of activities is getting the people we support out and about.

4th August 2023

The people we support at the new Jubilee Centre have been out and about over the last few weeks having some fun.

Our Life Opportunities team have a packed programme of summer activities and so far, have had some amazing days out with the people we support. Giving them new experiences and an opportunity to do something a bit different.

They’ve dodged the showers and had some brilliant trips out across the region.

They visited Manchester Airport to watch the planes taking off and landing, always a firm favourite.

They’ve also enjoyed, Fleetwood beach in the sunshine and had a fabulous beach buggy session which everyone loved.

A visit to the lovely, historic Heaton Park in Manchester was next. Everyone had a chilled day in the sunshine.

Lastly, they went to the amazing Space Centre in Preston. Its the largest multi-sensory environment in the U.K and is specifically designed for people with physical and learning disabilities and was a great experience for everyone with smiles all round.

Lica Marchant Life Opportunities Lead said.

“Its fantastic to see the people we support getting out in the community having fun and trying out new things. Many of the activities were chosen and co-produced by the people we support with the help of the Life Opportunities team. I’m sure there’ll be lots more activities before the end of the summer.”