Bolton Cares wins Big Brain Health award to deliver excellent Dementia care.

Home » Bolton Cares wins Big Brain Health award to deliver excellent Dementia care.

13th April 2023

Bolton Cares has been awarded a grant from the Big Brain Health Fund to help people with dementia and their carers in Bolton.

Our ‘Life Opportunities’ programme in Bolton is already working hard to improve the lives of the people living with Dementia. This grant will help us drive this work forward and deepen our understanding of dementia care. It will also help us to establish our dementia centre of excellence across the town.

As a result of the grant we will be able to invest in a programme delivered with a drama therapist and a Dementia expert and published author of the book ‘Beautiful Care.’

This novel approach is a first for Bolton. It will include learning and training in dementia care for the people we support their carers and staff from across Bolton Cares.

The aim of the Beautiful Care project is to focus on the positive stories of care and share experiences. These will be developed into a short script and will bring people together to share, inspire and allow them to see the best in each other.

Furthermore, the project will impact across the people we support and our care staff in a unique way. The research from Beautiful Care has shown the direct correlation between brain health and people using their motor skills, thinking, exploring, learning and remembering together in one space.

Additionally, there will also be some hidden values and a focus on the benefits of movement, a good diet and sleep. While people are actively engaged, they will be provided with a nutritious meal and a natural forum for participation and discussion.

The project will start in May 2023.

Lica Marchant Life Opportunities Lead said.

“We are delighted to have received the grant from the Big Brain Health Fund. It represents a tremendous investment in our dementia services for both the people we support and our staff in Bolton. The sessions we have planned will bring people together in a way that celebrates and shares positive and beautiful experiences. It will be a fantastic morale boost for the people we support and their carers and a valuable training experience for our staff.”