17th March 2023
This week has been Nutrition and Hydration Week and we have been celebrating it with our Extra Care Services. The focus for the week has been on the people we support making lots of healthy and nutritious food to raise awareness of the importance of eating and drinking well in later life.
We made fruit platters, healthy sandwiches, prepared healthy cheese boards, and made smoothies while having important conversations around making simple changes to preparing food and the importance of a healthy diet.
The people we support at Kenyon even did an exercise session after their healthy food event.
Preventing malnutrition and dehydration improves health and well-being. With around three million people at risk of malnutrition in the UK, we took the opportunity to raise the awareness of the risks, bust some of the myths around eating, drinking and weight loss and promote the good practices that can help prevent malnutrition and dehydration.