Crompton St joins the Salford Cares portfolio

Home » Crompton St joins the Salford Cares portfolio

17th March 2025

Our new service for adults with autism and learning disabilities has opened! 

The exciting new scheme on Crompton Street in Salford has been developed in partnership with Great Places Housing Group and Salford City Council and comprises a mix of one- and two-bedroom self-contained flats.  

Each flat has been designed to strike a balance between the provision of bespoke care and support for residents, while also promoting independent living. The modern new build also has a communal lounge area and courtyard and, thanks to its setting, will allow residents to connect with neighbours and truly embed themselves in their local community.   

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of everyone involved in the creation of the new homes, local people who had previously been placed outside of the city for care and accommodation can now move back home and be closer to their friends and family.  

The Crompton Street service was opened on Monday 3 March 2025 at an event attended by the Salford Cares and Great Places teams, and the Salford City Council Deputy Mayor and Lead Member for Housing and Anti-Poverty, Councillor Tracy Kelly. Raymond, one of the first residents to move in, was also there and proudly showed visitors his new home.  

Jill Lockett, Head of Services at Salford Cares, said: “We’re delighted to be the chosen provider for this fabulous scheme, and we’d like to thank Salford Council for the opportunity.   

“The service model here is an example of an excellent working partnership between Great Places, Salford Council and Salford Cares, through which we can enable residents to live in high-quality apartments with on-site support and help them become a part of community life in Salford. We’re incredibly proud to be a part of this project and to be supporting individuals to achieve positive outcomes – we’re all very excited to see what the future holds for them.” 

Great Places will manage the scheme and, commissioned by Salford City Council, Salford Cares will provide the care and support required by residents.  

The site was acquired from Salford City Council and the scheme has been funded through Homes England, Salford City Council and Great Places. The development has been built by PLP Construction, procured through Great Places’ Innovation Chain North framework.  

We’re looking forward to seeing the residents thrive once they’ve moved in!  

Click here for more information about the Supported Living service.